Wednesday, January 04, 2006

The Eco Seagate 2006 journey begins...

Hi everybody. My name is Rob. This is my Eco Seagate 2006 blog. It promises to be quite an adventure and hopefully I can capture it in a memorable way. This is my first post and I hope to figure this out fast and give you guys something interesting to read : )


At 1/08/2006 10:24:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Rob - the blog looks good! What are the dates of your ECO Seagate? How long will you be gone overall? Mom

At 2/19/2006 08:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool, Rob.
JoAnne and I enjoyed NZ very much because it reminded us of the Northwest USA a lot. We came into NZ at Aukland (SP). It was late June and cool and damp. We went to the glow worm caves near there. They have THE best tasting ice cream there. But I cant remember the brand name. They also have the BIGGEST trout there. They cultivate them. Mostly because of the limited resourses on the islands. They could get fished out of the local fish easily.

Hey - That old 747 sounds just right! I'd still fly in that old 747 before I'd fly in an A340. HA! But about your watch altimeter. Remember you are looking at CABIN pressure. Not outside air pressure. I find it more interesting how they manipulate the cabin pressure. They move it all around depending on the flight altitude. Watch it as you land sometime. Although your Mom told JoAnne about this blog sometime ago, We just this day decided to see what you were doing here. Sorry. Gonna keep tabs on you from now on. Watch out for the local brews!!! Have you seen a Kiwi yet? I doubt it.

Unca Bob


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