Thursday, February 23, 2006

Race day tomorrow!

Well the day is almost here. We did rapelling today. The race looks challenging about 17 miles of biking, kayaking, hiking, rapelling, canyoning. It was designed by world champion adventure racer Nathan Fa' avae (or close to that). It's been really great to hear him speak and talk to him (he helped me set the altimiter on my watch during our orienteering section) He's the race director. Time for early bed. Once eveything settles down I'll get allmy pics uploaded and recap the week and race. It has been amazing so far. Night.



At 2/23/2006 08:05:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're all excited to hear about how everything is going for you there! Good luck!


At 2/24/2006 10:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big race should be over by now. Our hope is that you have not broken anything and it's just sore muscles that need nursing! In any case I'll bet you will have memories to last a lifetime now.

Aunt JoAnne says HI!


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